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Brass C Metal Scrap Price Today Apr-18-2024 in Canada Central

Brass C Metal Scrap:

Canadian Brass C Metal Scrap Price Graph for last 30 days

The above chart indicates the buying price of Brass C Metal Scrap by scrap yards in Canada Central for the past 30 days. Hover your mouse over the chart to see the prices for a particular day.

Brass C Metal Scrap price today in Canada Central is 3.25 CAD per pound. This is compared to the price from the last seven days. The average buying price of Brass C Metal Scrap for the last seven days is with a high of and a low of CAD per pound.

The 30 day average buying price of Brass C Metal Scrap in Canada Central is 3.24 with a high of 3.26 and a low at 3.22 CAD per pound. Current month(April) average buying price of Brass C Metal Scrap is 3.24 with a high of 3.26 and a low of 3.22.

What is Brass C Metal Scrap?

According to ISRI Scrap Specifications Circular 2020, Brass C Metal Scrap is categorized under the ISRI Code “ENGEL.” Brass C Metal Scrap mainly consists of Red Brass plumbing cocks having a minimum Copper content of 75% and a minimum Tin content of 6%, and total impurities, exclusive of Zinc, Antimony, and Nickel.

The prices for Brass C Metal Scrap are the yard buying prices in Canada Central per pound. Brass C Metal Scrap prices are collected from various sources across Canada Central. Brass C Metal Scrap prices in bulk (Tons) will be higher than these prices.

Statistics for Brass C Metal Scrap Prices: Canada Central

Last 30 Days Brass C Metal Scrap Price


Current Month(April) Brass C Metal Scrap Price

Brass C Metal Scrap Prices for past 30 days
Date ▴▾ Day ▴▾ Price ▴▾ Change
04-18-2024 Thursday 3.25 0.0
04-17-2024 Wednesday 3.25 -0.01
04-16-2024 Tuesday 3.26 0.01
04-15-2024 Monday 3.25 0.0
04-13-2024 Saturday 3.25 0.01
04-12-2024 Friday 3.24 0.0
04-11-2024 Thursday 3.24 -0.01
04-10-2024 Wednesday 3.25 0.0
04-09-2024 Tuesday 3.25 -0.01
04-08-2024 Monday 3.26 0.01
04-06-2024 Saturday 3.25 0.0
04-05-2024 Friday 3.25 0.01
04-04-2024 Thursday 3.24 0.02
04-03-2024 Wednesday 3.22 0.0
04-02-2024 Tuesday 3.22 -0.01
04-01-2024 Monday 3.23 0.01
03-30-2024 Saturday 3.22 0.0
03-29-2024 Friday 3.22 -0.02
03-28-2024 Thursday 3.24 0.02
03-27-2024 Wednesday 3.22 0.0
03-26-2024 Tuesday 3.22 -0.02
03-25-2024 Monday 3.24 0.02
03-23-2024 Saturday 3.22 0.0
03-22-2024 Friday 3.22 -0.01
03-20-2024 Wednesday 3.23 None
03-20-2024 Wednesday 3.23 0.0