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Copper Turnings Scrap Price Today Apr-25-2024 in Canada Central

Copper Turnings Scrap:

Canadian Copper Turnings Scrap Price Graph for last 30 days

The above chart indicates the buying price of Copper Turnings Scrap by scrap yards in Canada Central for the past 30 days. Hover your mouse over the chart to see the prices for a particular day.

Copper Turnings Scrap price today in Canada Central is 3.6 CAD per pound. This is compared to the price from the last seven days. The average buying price of Copper Turnings Scrap for the last seven days is with a high of and a low of CAD per pound.

The 30 day average buying price of Copper Turnings Scrap in Canada Central is 3.43 with a high of 3.6 and a low at 3.2 CAD per pound. Current month(April) average buying price of Copper Turnings Scrap is 3.48 with a high of 3.6 and a low of 3.2.

What is Copper Turnings Scrap?

Copper Turnings shall consist of clean and unalloyed Copper grindings, shavings, borings, or turnings having a minimum Copper content of 99%. Copper Turnings are the residual shavings of Copper left over as a by-product in the process of manufacturing Copper products.

The prices for Copper Turnings Scrap are the yard buying prices in Canada Central per pound. Copper Turnings Scrap prices are collected from various sources across Canada Central. Copper Turnings Scrap prices in bulk (Tons) will be higher than these prices.

Statistics for Copper Turnings Scrap Prices: Canada Central

Last 30 Days Copper Turnings Scrap Price


Current Month(April) Copper Turnings Scrap Price

Copper Turnings Scrap Prices for past 30 days
Date ▴▾ Day ▴▾ Price ▴▾ Change
04-25-2024 Thursday 3.6 0.0
04-24-2024 Wednesday 3.6 0.01
04-23-2024 Tuesday 3.59 -0.01
04-22-2024 Monday 3.6 0.0
04-18-2024 Thursday 3.6 0.01
04-17-2024 Wednesday 3.59 -0.01
04-16-2024 Tuesday 3.6 0.0
04-15-2024 Monday 3.6 0.01
04-13-2024 Saturday 3.59 -0.01
04-12-2024 Friday 3.6 0.0
04-11-2024 Thursday 3.6 0.1
04-10-2024 Wednesday 3.5 -0.01
04-09-2024 Tuesday 3.51 0.01
04-08-2024 Monday 3.5 0.0
04-06-2024 Saturday 3.5 0.3
04-05-2024 Friday 3.2 -0.02
04-04-2024 Thursday 3.22 0.02
04-03-2024 Wednesday 3.2 0.0
04-02-2024 Tuesday 3.2 -0.01
04-01-2024 Monday 3.21 0.01
03-30-2024 Saturday 3.2 0.0
03-29-2024 Friday 3.2 -0.01
03-28-2024 Thursday 3.21 0.01
03-27-2024 Wednesday 3.2 None